हिमशैले हि तिष्ठन्ध्यानयोगौ कुरुते भवः।
सूर्यशशाङ्कनेत्राभ्यां कान्तिस्तस्य प्रवर्तते॥
डमरूध्वनिनादोस्ति त्र्यम्बकस्य प्रतिध्वनिः।
गङ्गातरङ्गवृद्धिश्च तपोध्वानरिव श्रूयते॥
नागाभरणकण्ठात् ॐकारोद्भवति सर्वदा।
देशकालौ परिच्छित्य योगे मग्नस्सदाशिवः॥
उच्यते तेन कैलासगृहस्त्रिशूलधार्यहम्।
शिवोऽहं भुवनस्योद्धारकोऽहं पापनाशकः॥
🙏🏻🙏🏻ॐ नमः शिवाय 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Bhava will do penance Settling at the end of an ice mountain
From the Sun and the moon eyes his light embraces
The sound of drums are triyambaka’s echo
The happiness of Ganga’s waves also sounds like meditation
Always omkara origins from the throat of the one who has snake as an ornament
Got separated from the place and time he is engrossed in yoga
He says I’m the one whose house is Kailasa I’m the one who holds trident
I’m shiva I’m world’s rescuer I’m the sin destroyer
🙏🏻🙏🏻Om NamaH Shivaya 🙏🏻🙏🏻