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Anushtup ChandaH

Writer's picture: Roopa Rani BussaRoopa Rani Bussa

Anushtubh:Anushtubh is the most common meter used in the Bhagavad Gita. Each verse in Anushtubh consists of four padas (lines) with eight syllables each, totaling 32 syllables per verse in the modern language. This meter is simple, easy to recite and also it is cardinal and found in most of the scriptures of Hindu literature. 

अनुष्टुप् छन्दसः नियमाः श्लोक रूपेण - 

श्लोके षष्ठं गुरु ज्ञेयं सर्वत्र लघु पंचमम्। 

द्विचतुष्पादयोर्ह्रस्वं सप्तमं दीर्घमन्ययोः॥

In Vedic literature anushtub has only 31 letters- 

रिग्वेदात् प्राप्तः श्लोकः (३.५३.१२) 

one shloka as an example from Rigveda 

य इमे रोदसी उभे अहमिन्द्रम तुष्टवम्। 

विश्वामित्रस्य रक्षति ब्रह्मिदं भारतं जनम्।। 

Vedic pattern has only 31 syllables. 


प्रतिदिनं शुभारम्भं नववर्षे नवोन्नतिम्।

प्राप्नुमस्सुप्रतिष्टञ्च नित्ययोगेन कर्मणा॥

सम्प्राप्ते नववर्षे व शुभं भवतु जीवनम्।

एकैकमपि पादञ्च श्रद्धया स्थापयेन्नर॥

🙏🏻🎉🎊आङ्ग्ल नववर्षस्य शुभाशयाः 🎊🎉🙏🏻

let everyday has a good start in this new year and let’s receive new upliftment, good fame With the fortune and hard work

Hey man! keep Every step with faith. Let the life be splendid, powerful when new year comes.

#मकरसङ्क्रान्ति #अनुष्टुप्छन्दः 

सूर्यस्य प्रगतिं पश्योत्तरायणे प्रवेष्यते।

भास्करेण रथात्तेव रश्मिकोटिः प्रकाशिताः॥

आदित्यरथमारुह्य प्रभाससे दिने दिने।

अरुणस्यैकचक्रेण पुरतो यासि गोपते॥

वाताटाः गगने पूर्णे रङ्गवल्यः गृहाङ्गणे।

पशुपूजा च शाल्यन्नाः पर्वाऽनन्देन शोभते॥

Just look at the sun’s progress towards north. From the chariot he shines millions of rays. 

On Chariot called Adityaratha you splendour every day. With Charioteer Aruna’s one wheel you go front Gopathi

Kites in full sky decorative floor paintings at the front yard. Worship animals and fancy boiled rice festival is happily shone 

योगा #yogaday2024

चित्तशरीरवुद्धीनां परिशुद्धिः दिने दिने।

योगाभ्यासेन संसिद्धिः रौषधञ्च निरामयः॥

Yoga is pilot of tranquility and Pioneer of our primitive needs and hence it is the Power of prosperity 

Do yoga get benefits mega 

Happy yoga Day 2024


वेदव्यासं महाज्ञानिं स्मराम तं सदा वयम्।

वेदविशारदं नित्यं विश्वगुरुं भजामहे॥

आचार्यं पण्डितं स्मृत्वा यामाग्रे जीवने स्थले।

प्रणमाम नु तौ भक्त्या मनसा वाचि कर्मणा॥ 

दृष्टाध्यापकयोः पाठा निर्मूलयन्ति तामसम्।

तमोहरौ महामाद्य आषाढपूर्णिमादिने॥

Let’s always remember the most learned vedavyasa. We pray to  proficient of vedas and guru of universe every day 

Remembering the teachers who teaches the skills and who gives deep insight we achieve well in life and every situation. Let’s revere those who remove darkness today 

The lessons of the teachers who teaches to envision the future and who gives information would take away the ignorance. 

Let’s worship those who takes away the darkness today on the full moon day of ashadha.


वधेन राक्षसस्यास्य भयान्दोलनमत्यजन्।

भूमौ शान्तिश्च तोषश्चातिष्ठतामिति ते जनाः॥

दीपावली शुभे काले दीपैः सुशोभनं गृहम्।

कार्तीके प्रतिपन्ने नु कान्तिः प्रकाशते हिता॥

🪔🪔🪔दीपावलीपर्वणः शुभाशयाः🪔🪔🪔

After the end of demon people lived without fear and anxiety as  peace and happiness stayed 

Home is beautiful with the lights At the time of auspicious Deepavali time. As the Kartika month entered indeed light of welfare shines

#गीताजयन्ति #मोक्षैकादशी #अनुष्टुप्छन्दः

विश्वासो ननु विश्वस्य गीता नाम सुबोधिनी।

नित्यं पठाम तां सास्ति सरलपथदर्शिनी॥ 

🙏🏻🎊गीता जयन्ती पर्वणः हार्दिक शुभाशयाः 🎊🙏🏻

Indeed “Gita” is World’s trust 

And is easy to understand 

Let’s read this everyday, she is the one who shows the simple way. 


शून्यादेव त्मना सर्वं ततश्शून्यम्पुनर्लभेत्।

सृष्टिस्तिथिलयास्तस्मात् सृष्टिमूलात्महाशिवात्॥

हरति सर्वपापं सस्सर्पभूषितशङ्करः।

नमोऽस्तु विश्वनाथाय सोऽयम्सर्वपतिर्भुवः॥

आरोग्यं प्रबलं कर्तुं भक्त्या पञ्चाक्षरीं वद।

शिवनाम जपेनैव सर्वसङ्कटनाशनम्॥

🕉️ॐ नमः शिवाय🕉️

From nothingness only indeed comes everything from there nothingness is received. creation, perseverance and destruction are from the source MahaShiva

Snake adorned shankar takes away all sins 

Salutations to lord of universe he is the lord of everything 

For good health you chant five letters with devotion. Only shiva’s prayers destroy all difficulties.  

🕉️🙏🏻Om NamaH Shivaya🙏🏻🕉️

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